Electrical Protection (Current & Potential Transformer) Part 01

الأحد، 27 مارس 2016 0 التعليقات

Electrical Protection (Current & Potential Transformer)

The current transformer is well established but is generally regarded merely as a device, which reproduces a primary current at a reduced level. A current transformer is designed for measuring purposes operates over a range of current up to a specific rated value, which usually corresponds to the circuit normal rating, and has specified errors at that value. On the other hand, a protection current transformer is required to operate over a range of current many times the' circuit rating and is frequently subjected to conditions greatly exceeding those which it would be subjected to as <i measuring current transformer. Under such conditions the flux density corresponds to advanced saturation and the response during this and the initial transient period of short-circuit current is important.
It will be appreciated, therefore, that the method of specification of current transformers for measurement purposes is not necessarily satisfactory for those for protection. In addition an intimate knowledge of the operation current transformers is required in order to predict the performance of the protection. Current transformers have two important qualities:

1.    They produce the primary current conditions at a much lower level so that the
current can be carried by the small cross-sectional area cables associated with panel wiring and relays.

2. They provide an insulating barrier so that relays which are being used to protect high voltage equipment need only be insulated for a nominal 600V.

Potential transformers establish a known ratio between the potential difference across the equipment and the potential difference across a voltmeter, For example, suppose a potential transformer establishes a ratio of 500 to one. If a voltmeter connected across the secondary terminals reads 132 volts, you know the potential difference across the primary terminals is 66,000 volts.
Current Transformer Design
A current transformer can take one of two forms. One type is wound like an ordinary transformer, with primary and secondary windings round a common core. As a CT steps current down, it steps voltage up. The primary winding, though connected in the system's high-voltage system, is in fact the LV (high current) winding as far as the transformer is concerned, and the secondary is the HV (low current) winding. Wound-primary CTs are used where the primary current is low and where it is necessary to have several primary turns to achieve enough ampere-turns in the CT. The examples shown in Figure I (a) and (b) are typical; burdens are in the range 5 to 30VA per phase. Wound-primary CTs must be able to withstand the full voltage and fault current of the main system on their primary'


Islamic Arabic Songs

الأحد، 20 مارس 2016 0 التعليقات

Islamic Arabic  Songs

comparison between iphone 6 plus and galaxy note 5 (which is better)

السبت، 19 مارس 2016 0 التعليقات
comparison between iphone 6 plus and galaxy note 5

Only you can decide which is better but we show features of each
Factor                         I phone 6 plus                                              Note 5

Size                            length 158 mm                                         length 153 mm
                                  width 78 mm                                            width 76 mm
                                  depth 7.1 mm                                           depth 7.6 mm 

Wieght                       172 g                                                         171 g

Colors                        gray-silver-gold                                    gold-black-white-silver

Screen                       1920 x 1080 (401 PPi)                          2560 x 1440 (518 PPi)

light pen                   Not Exist                                                   Exist

Fingerprint               Exist                                                           Exist

Mega pixel               8 MP                                                          16 MP
                                1.2 MP Front Camera                                  5 MP Front Camera

Battary                     2,915 mAh                                                 3000 mAh

Memory                   16,64,128 GB                                              32,64 GB
                                No Ext. memory                                          No Ext. memory 

Processor                 1.4 Ghz dual core                                       2.5 Ghz Octa core

RAM                        1 GB                                                            4 GB

Operating Sys.         IOS 8                                                           Android Lollipop 

Back view               Aluminum                                                    glass 

Computer keypord shortcuts

الخميس، 17 مارس 2016 0 التعليقات

 Computer keypord shortcuts 

(Ctrl + A) to sellect all texts
(Ctrl + C) to copy selected text
(Ctrl + V) to paste selected text
(Ctrl + X) to cut selected text
(Ctrl + Z) to undo last order
(Ctrl + P) to print pages
(Ctrl + O) to open file or program
(Ctrl + W) to close any opened window
(Ctrl + D) to save selected window as favorite
(Ctrl + F) to search in program about word
(Ctrl + B) to arrange favorite file
(Ctrl + S) to save working
(Alt + F4) to close opened window
(Alt + Esc) to navigate from window to other
(Alt + Tab) to choose from more than one opened window
F2 to rename  file name
F3 to search for certain file
F5 to refresh   

UPS (uninterruptible power supply system) Part03

الأربعاء، 16 مارس 2016 0 التعليقات

Uninterruptible Power System




The Topaz Power maker Mini is an uninterruptible power system (UPS) that is installed between the utility AC line and the critical load. It can be operated either as an on-line, bypass mode UPS. The primary function of a UPS is to maintain a regulated output to a critical load regardless of blackout or brownout conditions.

The Topaz Power maker Mini is an uninterruptible AC power source that connects to an AC power line between the utility power source and the equipment to be protected. It includes batteries, a rectifier/battery charger, an inverter, a static transfer switch, and an isolation transformer with a transient suppresser and filter network.

The Topaz Power maker Mini can be operated as either a bypass (off-line) type or an on-line type of UPS. In bypass operation, under normal conditions when utility power is available, the battery charger keeps the batteries fully charged while the load is powered by the utility line through the isolation transformer. If the utility line voltage should drop below 85% of its nominal value, the load is switched to the inverter which, powered by the battery, immediately begins delivering AC power to the critical load with no discernible interruption. When the utility AC line voltage returns to approximately 90% of its normal value, the load is switched back to the output of the isolation trans­former and the inverter shuts off.

In on-line operation, the load is powered by the inverter, which operates continuously, drawing power either from the utility AC line through the rectifier or, if the AC line voltage drops too low from the battery. When the AC line voltage is present, the battery charger keeps the batteries charged.

The user selected bypass mode of operation has advantages in that it provides full protection against power failures while maximising system efficiency and reliability as well as minimising operating costs, audible noise and heat dissipation.


The following terms are frequently used in describing UPS operations:

1.Backup Time The duration of time that a UPS is specified to maintain output voltage after a blackout (typically specified at full load and half load).
The backup time provided by fully-charge d batteries will vary depending on the rating of the UPS and the magnitude of the load. However, at least 10 minute of backup time at full rated load is provided in all cases. This is more than adequate for an orderly shutdown of the load. If more backup external batteries may be connected to the system.

2-Bypass Line - The AC input line that is arranged to be used as an alternative to the UPS Inverter as a source of power. In the Topaz Power maker Mini, it is isolated and filtered to provide noise free power to the load.

3-Bypass Mode -A mode of UPS operation during which the load is connected to the bypass line. in the Topaz Power maker Mini, the load voltage is continuously monitored during this mode of operation, and the Inverter can promptly become active and maintain power. to the critical load. Better efficiency and reliability is inherent in the by bypass mode of operation

4-On-line Mode‑A mode of UPS operation during which the load is continuously supplied by the UPS inverter.

5-The inverter receives power either from the AC line through the rectifieror, should the AC line fail, from the battery.

6-Transfer The process of changing the source of load power from the inverter to the bypass line or vice versa.

7-Efficiency - Power delivered to the load by the UPS, divided by the power delivered by the AC line (usually expressed as a percent).


Batteries are shipped separate from the UPS to ensure safe transport of the equipment and to en­sure that the user receives fully-charged batteries.
They are assembled in the battery trays and inter connected ready to be installed in the UPS by the user. The 3 kVA and 5 kVA ratings each have two battery trays; the 10 kVA rating has four trays. Batteries are lead-acid, maintenance free type.




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